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    The third heating festival and national linkage event of Sunnat will be opened on September 16th


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    1秋葵视频在线无限看 欧盟品质国民价格

      秋葵视频在线无限看 欧盟品质国民价格

      “秋葵视频在线无限看首届暖气节”、“匠心秋葵视频在线无限看 热情中国行”、“欧盟品质 国民价格”这分别是2015年——2017年秋葵视频在线无限看三届暖气节的主题。今年的主题“欧盟品质 国民价格”特别强调了“欧盟”和“国民”,除了延续民族品牌秋葵视频在线无限看坚持匠心品质的一贯理念外,其实也是肯定了公司近年来的外贸业绩。2016年秋葵视频在线无限看外贸销售额增长41.9%,下单量增长达到57.3%,2017年至今,秋葵视频在线无限看外贸销售额再创新高,产品获得了欧洲各国客户的一致青睐和好评,外贸发展势头仍然强劲。






      秋葵视频在线无限看暖气片多重钜惠 这么玩才够味


      据悉,2017年1到5月,PPI(生产者物价指数)显示建筑材料同比增幅高达8.8%!家居整体上涨20%,涂料、油漆涨价10%-20% ,五金涨价20%-25%……







      September is coming, is a home decoration season, building materials industry major brands have opened a promotional model. September 16 to October 15 this year, Sunnat radiator will also be about the launch of "EU quality, national price" Senate third heating festival and national linkage sales activities.

      As the second half of the scale and intensity of the largest promotional activities, the Sunnat heating Festival in nearly 30 countries nearly 60 stores at the same time detonated. During the event, in addition to unprecedented concessions, new activities, Sunnat will, as always, for the vast number of consumers offer ingenuity to build the radiator.

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      "Sunnat the first heating festival", "Jiang Xin Sunnat passion China trip", "EU quality national price" which is 2015 - -2017 Sunnat three heating section of the theme. This year's theme "EU quality national price" in particular stressed the "EU" and "national", in addition to the continuation of the national brand Sunnat insist on the quality of consistent ideas, in fact, is certainly the company's foreign trade performance in recent years. In 2016, the sales volume of the company was increased by 41.9%, and the sales volume reached 57.3%. Since the beginning of 2017, the sales volume of the company has gained the highest favor of the customers of the European countries. The product has been favored and praised by the customers of the European countries. Strong.

      In the economy continued to slump, external demand shrinking, manpower and resource costs rising in the moment, Sunnat foreign trade continued to improve market share and repeatedly jumped to a new level? In addition to uphold the strong technical strength, quality-oriented corporate philosophy, the company Strong innovation is equally worthy of recognition.


      Sunnat in order to harsh critical of each product, to create high-quality radiator products, and constantly consolidate the customer's trust and affirmation of Sunnat. Sunnat from the actual needs of customers, to meet their personalized custom, their quality, in the market demand for diversification and change in seeking a higher market share. From parts to products, from single to differentiated, the same is the original intention of the company to provide high quality life experiences for Chinese and overseas consumers. Since its inception in 2003, continue to explore, excellence, step by step the quality of Europe, China really fell to reality.

      And back to the upcoming activities of this event, in addition to quality without worry, the style is also a lot of classic, any selection. Noble luxury earth gold series, elegant atmosphere of copper and aluminum composite, thin and flexible titanium magnesium aluminum, delicate and smooth steel, there is always a capture your mind.

      Environmental protection supervision, scattered pollution remediation, battalion increase, material prices, labor costs rose ... ... various factors led to the industry generally price people sad.

      It is reported that from January to May 2017, PPI (producer price index) shows that building materials increased by 8.8% year on year! Home overall rose 20%, paint, paint prices 10% -20%, hardware prices 20% -25% ...

      However, these data have nothing to do with this event. As early as last month, Sunnat has been released through the WeChat platform that: rose up the current, Sunnat not price! Not only did not rise, the activities of the discount simply can not stop!

      This event continues the previous two heating section of the huge benefits, and will set up a most popular star products as "explosive" to the best discount to the majority of consumers. Of course, "into the shop gift", "full amount of cash back", "game lottery" and many other concessions as a whole, none other favorable, sincere.

      In addition to the real benefits, more worth the wait is that the heating section is still "city will play." Remember the last year's "I am the most beautiful Chinese heart I sent blessings for the motherland"? Emotional style of activities to attract a large number of consumers involved, the message to send blessings - photo - micro-vote - to receive prizes, activities reported The major mainstream media sites, can be described as full of eye. This year, Sunnat on the basis of the original increase in the interactive and interesting, the next single set of "blessing" activities will be online promotion and offline sales effectively combined, promotional volume outbreak.

      In addition, there are the most popular live waiting for you to participate and onlookers. Last year, Sunnat to vote by micro-letter to determine the second and third prize, this year we play more exciting - in the September 25, October 7, October 17, Sunnat will be broadcast through the network Gift, and on the spot with the winning customer phones connection, surprise and upgrade.


      As a benchmark and leader in the HVAC industry, Sunnat hopes to make consumers more enjoyable at a more affordable price through this innovative promotion and large-scale promotion. In the consumer upgrade, the industry's current 4.0, Sunnat annual heating section activities, not only highlights the corporate strength of Sunnat, but also reflects its leadership as a leader in the HVAC industry.
